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Demonstrating Black Start and Islanded Operation of a Small Hydropower Plant

Jul 17, 2024
Exhibit Floor Booth 127
KNOWLEDGE HUB Equipment and Technology

Idaho National Laboratory (INL) has conducted the second demonstration of a small hydropower plant black start. It includes Fall River Electric Cooperative's 5.5 MW Felt hydropower plant and INL's 250 kVA/320 kWh Li-phosphate battery-operated Relocatable Resiliency Alternative Power Improvement Distribution Microgrid in a Box (RAPID MIB). This presentation will share the steps taken and challenges resolved to demonstrate that with proper upgradation and control adjustment, a small hydropower plant can black start and provide local grid resilience.



Russell Chetwynd, Service Manager - National Electric Coil
S M Shafiul Alam, Research Scientist - Idaho National Laboratory

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