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Equity Apportionment Considerations in Project Development

Jul 18, 2024
New Development

The apportionment of equity in hydroelectric development depends on many factors, but it is important to understand how equity is distributed. Projects must have a satisfactory return on investment to ensure the equity portion of the project is met. Factors affecting this issue could include location, the composition of stakeholders and financing structure. This session delves into the vital aspect of project financing through correct equity apportionment, including de-risking equity providers’ portion and financially servicing equity.

Session Moderated by: Christopher Ball



Guy Lonechild, Chief Executive Officer - First Nations Power Authority
Laurent Nahmias-Leonard, Senior Director, Corporate Development - Boralex Renewable Energy
Jeremy Arruda, Partner - Ernst and Young
Darren Huculak, Managing Partner - Summit 72
Panel Moderator
Christopher Ball
Christopher Ball, Executive Vice President - Corpfinance International Ltd.

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