Priming the Pump: Recharging the Hydro Industry's Public Relations
For any business, being connected to the public is vital for communication, sales, growth, job recruitment, and support. The hydro industry is in need of a public relations recharge. As energy users consider generation resources, hydro professionals are faced once again with comparisons to natural gas, coal, wind, solar, and nuclear and how to demonstrate the many benefits of hydro to the general public, elected officials as well as school teachers and students. The past five years have seen significant changes in how the public uses social media, views electric/hybrid vehicles, the cost of electricity, jobs/careers and the environment. How does the hydro industry respond to this challenge and what tools are available to navigate public relations? This discussion will show how hydropower professionals can work together to share the benefits of hydro messaging to students and the general public. After a pause in public education programs because of COVID-19, now is the time to recharge our outreach efforts and show ways to navigate through public relations obstacles, taking advantage of new tools and strategies to reconnect with the public.