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Visit Boulder Canyon Hydro Plant, NREL's Flatirons Campus, and USBR Technical Service Center

Jul 16, 2024
Technical Tour

Pre-registration for this event is required. This event includes an additional fee unless you have an All Access pass. Visit your registration resource center or reach out to to reserve your seat.

This tour includes a visit to a small hydro projects and two research facilities. 
The 5-MW Boulder Canyon hydro plant, owned by the city of Boulder, is more than 100 years old and underwent a modernization in 2013-2014 that involved installing a new water-to-wire package. This modernization, which positioned the small hydro facility to continue operating reliably for decades to come, consisted of retiring a 10-MW GE turbine-generator unit with a 5-MW unit. The reason for downsizing was to provide more water to bypass municipal treated water demands instead of running the river. 
Join National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) researchers at the Flatirons Campus for a tour featuring facilities, equipment, and modeling capabilities that highlight how hydropower can be leveraged alongside other renewable energy, energy storage, and energy efficiency technologies within complex energy systems. During the tour, NREL experts will stop at the electrical hydropower lab and controllable grid interface. Other stops will showcase the energy system integration challenges of the future, including hybrid and distributed system design, simulation, and optimization. The tour will also include a demonstration of the updated Renewable Energy Discovery (REDi) Island interactive web-based app.

The Bureau of Reclamation’s Technical Service Center (TSC) provides innovative solutions to water and power resource issues. The TSC consists of about 570 scientists, engineers, and other professional and office staff and operates a world-class materials and hydraulic engineering laboratory. TSC provides technical assistance to other federal agencies through interagency agreements, as well as working with state and private entities through cooperative and technology transfer agreements. Technical assistance and training are also available through agreements with other countries interested in developing their own water resources. 

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