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Nov 17, 2020



(Trumbull, CT, November 17, 2020) --- In light of the current state of civil commotion in Portland, Oregon and the ongoing Pandemic, HYDROVISION International, has been postponed to July 27-29, 2021 in Spokane, Washington.

“We have been putting the safety and wellbeing of our customers, attendees, staff and suppliers above all other priorities. With the ongoing impact of COVID-19 and current civil commotion in Portland, Oregon we have made the decision to postpone the event. During our extensive outreach and conversations with the energy community, the hydroelectric power and marine energy professionals we spoke with overwhelmingly expressed their desire to come together when and where it is safe to do so. As a result, we have secured new dates in July 2021 for our HYDROVISION International event in Spokane, Washington,” said Desiree Hanson, Executive Vice President of Clarion Events.

“With the Columbia and Snake Rivers generating 40% of all US hydropower and close to 80% of the electricity in the Northwest being produced by hydropower each year, we felt it ideal for our customers to keep HYDROVISION International in the Pacific Northwest for 2021,” added Leah Steinhardt, Hydro Portfolio Director of Clarion Energy. “Based on conversations we have had with our audience, there was overwhelming support to move the event to Spokane, Washington even if that means pushing it to July.”

“We remain committed to what our customers need now, as well as in the future, and how we can deliver experiences to best meet those needs. With the postponement of HYDROVISION International they have voiced that they still need to learn, network and source new solutions to support their ongoing operations. To fill this need, we have launched HYDRO+. This community, which is available to its members 24-7 hosts a series of virtual events accessible both live and on demand, which is ideal for those looking for perspective and discussion on current and future issues affecting the hydroelectric power and marine energy markets,” said Hanson.

The HYDRO+ Series community includes virtual experiences, timely content and educational sessions, peer-to-peer networking, vendor product and service demonstrations and matchmaking assistance between decision-makers and sellers. Currently running under this series is the HYDROVISION Exchange virtual event, which will continue to broadcast live content and networking opportunities through Thursday, November 19, 2020. Upcoming events will run December 8-9, 2020 focusing on Hiring for Hydro, January 26-27, 2021 focusing on new development, civil works, and dam safety, February 23, 2021 focusing on equipment and technology and will continue monthly throughout 2021. More details can be found at

The Clarion Energy team will continue to be in touch with all exhibitors, sponsors, speakers, and attendees to answer any questions. There will be further communication to these groups over the coming days and weeks to facilitate a smooth transition and prepare for the postponement into July 2021.


HYDROVISION International is the largest gathering of hydro professionals worldwide which highlights perspectives on the role of hydropower, explores issues affecting hydro resources, and helps participants develop a vision to meet challenges and ensure the future sustainability of hydro. Visit for more information.

Organized by Clarion Energy, which is part of Clarion Events. With over 30 events that cover the oil, gas, power and energy sectors, Clarion Energy is one of Clarion’s largest portfolios. Learn more here:

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