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Thank you for your interest in serving on the HYDROVISION 2025 advisory committee! The purpose of the advisory committee is to fully develop and complete the HYDROVISION International 2025 conference program. This includes developing conference tracks, defining session and Knowledge Hub content, and ensuring that program content is of maximum benefit to the hydroelectric industry professionals targeted as HYDROVISION International attendees. This is accomplished through a review of submitted abstracts and panel content.

The HYDROVISON International Advisory Committee is comprised of executives, consultants, and engineers from all sectors of the hydroelectric industry, including electric utilities, independent/private/municipal power/industrial power producers, engineering firms, trade associations, government agencies, OEMs, consulting companies, and other suppliers germane to the industry.

The deadline for submissions is August 16, 2024. Please note that submitting this form does not automatically confirm you as a member of the committee. Our team will review each person’s experience and expertise and if there is a fit, a formal invitation will be sent in early September.

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