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Waterpower Hydro Basics™ Course Materials

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Jul 10, 2023
  1. Attendees will build a solid foundation of hydro basics and facts: What Nature Gives Us How Hydroelectric Power Is Captured Multiple Beneficial Uses: Energy Water Supply Irrigation Recreation Navigati ...
  2. Hydraulic Design of a Project, including: Dams (includes a brief description of different types, e.g., rockfill, earthen, hydraulic fill, RCC) Spillways and Outlet Works Gates and Heavy Steel Structur ...
  3. Hydro Turbine Overview (Including brief, basic discussion on which types of turbines are optimal for certain flows and heads and on advanced designs for environmental improvements) Performance Curves ...
  4. Generators (Fixed Speed, Variable Speed, and Emerging Technology) Governors Controls Excitation Balance of Plant Breakers Transformers Discussion and Q&A  
  5. Learn the nuts and bolts of hydropower production as compared to other types of generation, including steam (nuclear and fossil), combustion turbine, and wind. Explore how to: Optimize the use of gene ...
  6. Gain an insider's view of the critical on-the-ground perspective: Role of the Project Operator Challenges, Including Compliance Requirements and Spill Requirements Discussion Q&A  
  7. Multiple Uses of Rivers Trade-offs Environmental Considerations Fish Dissolved Oxygen and Dissolved Gas Temperature Water Quality Environmental/Ecological/Instream Flows Discussion and Q&A
Jul 11, 2023
  1. Characteristics of free-flowing river and lake ecosystems Common water quality obligations and monitoring methods Mitigation strategies and techniques Discussion and Q&A
  2. National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) Federal Energy Regulatory Commission U.S. Federal Projects How Projects are Regulated Outside the U.S. Discussion and Q&A
  3. Sharing examples of successful communication of hydropower’s role and/or value with: School Children Communities Media or Environmental Groups Policy-makers Discussion and Q&A  

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